Sonam Wangchuk

We strive to protect the planet, perpetuate cultural heritage, promote innovation and inspire future generations.

For many years, we have been supporting personalities and institutions that are finding solutions to today’s challenges of global warming, scarce resources and sustainable construction. As a corporate citizen, we also work for the common good through donations, in Switzerland and across the world.

Perpetual Planet

Our Perpetual Planet Initiative

For over half a century, our longstanding affinity with the world of exploration has led us to strengthen our partnerships with figures and organizations that are committed to discovering, understanding and preserving the planet. Since 2019, our Perpetual Planet Initiative has encompassed our long-term support for projects dedicated to current environmental issues, especially those related to the poles, oceans, mountains, forests and living things. Today, the Initiative aims to further expand its portfolio of supported projects to not only enhance its impact but to educate and raise awareness of these topics among future generations.

Our Rolex Awards for Enterprise

Since 1976, the Rolex Awards for Enterprise have supported the development of innovative projects that seek to unlock understanding of the world we live in and push back the frontiers of knowledge. Over almost half a century, the Awards have celebrated the achievements of 160 winners, aged 24 to 74, from every continent, all with a strong social commitment to their region. The winning projects have involved the simplest, sometimes ancestral, techniques as well as the most sophisticated technological innovations. Among other benefits, they have helped to protect 48 endangered species, plant 33 million trees and preserve 32 key ecosystems including 57,600 km² of Amazon rainforest.

Amazon expeditions

Our Perpetual Arts Initiative

Our support extends to the arts, where we work with artists and prestigious cultural institutions to celebrate excellence and perpetuate the world’s artistic heritage by building bridges not only between people and places, but between past, present and future.