Rolex mentoring programme

The mentorships are grouped in alternating periods.

In 2020−2022, the programme has addressed film, theatre, the visual arts and an open interdisciplinary category, while mentorships in architecture, film, literature, music and visual arts are taking place in 2023–2024.

When I was asked to be part of this Rolex mentoring programme, I jumped at the chance. I’m an educator who comes from a long line of educators. So automatically I knew that I wanted to mentor a young talent.

Spike Lee
Spyke Lee

A unique selection

The programme has an independent Advisory Board that changes according to the cycle of the programme and recommends mentors. Young artists cannot apply directly. Rather, nominating panels identify suitable potential protégés based on a profile desired by the respective mentors. They are then invited by Rolex to submit applications. Sixty-three protégés have so far been selected from 37 countries.

A unique selection
Open Category mentor Lin-Manuel Miranda and his protégée Agustina San Martín during the 2020–2022 cycle.

The mentoring period

Mentors and protégés are asked to spend a minimum of six weeks together over a two-year period, though many spend considerably more time. They agree on where and how they want to interact. This may mean a protégé is granted access to an artist at work, or to a mentor and protégé actually collaborating on a work.

Mentoring period
Theatre mentor Phyllida Lloyd and her protégée Whitney White were drawn together by a shared love of Shakespeare and music.

The mentors

Among the 63 mentors who have so far given of their time and vast talent are the late Toni Morrison, Margaret Atwood, Mario Vargas Llosa, Sir David Adjaye, Kazuyo Sejima, Sir David Chipperfield, the late Trisha Brown, William Forsythe, Lin Hwai-min, Alfonso Cuarón, Martin Scorsese, Alejandro G. Iñárritu, David Hockney, Joan Jonas, Sir Anish Kapoor, Julie Taymor, Robert Lepage, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Zakir Hussain, Kaija Saariaho and the late Jessye Norman.

The mentors

Many of the protégés have gone on to significant careers, changed disciplines, collaborated with each other and become mentors themselves.

The protégé

The protégés

Former Rolex protégés have been appointed as artistic directors of major theatre companies and have had their work presented at leading international exhibitions such as the Venice Art Biennale and the International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. A literature protégée in 2010–2011, Tracy K. Smith, served as Poet Laureate of the United States from 2017–2019.